Brighter Path 4 Autism will be donating funds to families who are enrolled in a licensed Autism Therapy Program across Ontario, to help with the cost of therapy.
In order for your name to be drawn you must have been:
enrolled at the centre for 3+ months with a minimum of 6 hours per week
not receiving additional funds (i.e. government funds)
Families will be randomly selected each month by the Board of Directors of Brighter Path 4 Autism. If you have been selected to receive the donated sessions, you will not be eligible to receive the donated sessions until 3 months after selection giving all families an opportunity
Once your name is drawn you can either add 3 hours per week (depending on scheduling) or you can use those funds to pay for a 3 hour session per week. If one of your paid sessions is missed a donated session will not be given that week and carried on to the next week.